File must be compilable in LaTex without errors, warnings, and overfull boxes.
The size of the abstract should not exceed 1 page. The name of the file should
contain the last name and the initials of the first author (for instance, SmithB.tex).
The ready tex-files should be sent to
If possible, use the simplest commands, fonts, environments. Since all the files
will be compiled in one, do not redefine any commands and do not introduce any new
macros. In addition, for the same reason, do not use automatic enumeration of equations,
theorems, references, etc.
Upper (lower) indices in operators of summation, integration, product etc. should
be strictly above (respectively, below) the operator sign. To achieve that, use
"limits" after the operator.
An example of correctly prepared file can be found here
or in the archive. Please use this file and insert the body
of your abstract, title, and authors.
Final version of all the abstracts can be found here
tezisi.tex, tezisi.pdf.
It was actual on 19.05.2010.